Sunday 10 January 2016

Why Are People Moving to Urban Areas?

(City of Toronto)
     One reason that people are leaving rural areas is the low income. Small farms are not getting enough profits from their crops. When there are years of continuous bad weather leading to poor quality crops, farmers lose income. Another reason is that as farmers lose income they are forced to sell their farms to large companies and move to cities and find work to sustain themselves and their families.
"Farmland destruction due to industrial and urban development heightens concerns regarding the shift in ownership of Canada’s remaining farmland away from farm families and towards investment companies" (National Farming Union).
Another reason that people move away from rural areas is that there are not enough access to services. When you live in rural areas things are very far apart and the closest hospital or clinic may be many kilometers away.
     People choose to move to cities since there are large quantities of high income jobs as well as opportunities to further their education. Many people who grew up in rural areas come in to cities for post-secondary education and once they have graduated, most people get jobs in an urban setting and will spent most of their lives there. "So, people tend to move from rural to urban areas both because they are "pushed" away from the rural areas and because they are "pulled" to the urban areas" (Pohnpei397 Enotes). People continue to move to cities as there many more benefits in an urban life than there ever was before.

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